Stem Mastering: How and When to Use Stems in Audio Mastering

Ask five audio mastering engineers what they think of stem mastering and you’re likely to get five different answers. Some love the flexibility offered by working with stems and feel it allows them to get a better end result for their clients. Others feel that using stems comes dangerously close to mixing, and that it’s not their place to alter fundamental mix balances. 

Others see it as a viable method to work around specific challenges, but not necessarily an approach that should be used by default. I want to be clear up front that I fall decidedly into the latter camp and as such, my advice comes from that perspective. Still, as a “centrist” position I believe it will be valuable to you when navigating the world of stem mastering.

In this piece you’ll learn:

  • When stems should and should not be used (in my humble opinion)

  • How many stems are enough, how many are too many

  • How to approach a stem mastering session, including specific techniques

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