Please use the contact form at the bottom of the FAQ section to get in touch for a quote. If you’re ready to start a project and upload your mixes, please use the Intake Form. Thanks!
Ideally, all files should be 24-bit (fixed) or 32-bit (float) at a sampling rate between 44.1 and 192 kHz (more on why I prefer 44.1-96 kHz sampling rates here). If sending a 24-bit file, please ensure no clipping occurs and export with TPDF (or equivalent) dither. If you are using any processing on your master bus that is solely for the sake of loudness (e.g. compression and limiting), please send clearly named versions with it both enabled and disabled. Compression that is purely for vibe or color can be left enabled. If you have been mixing into a compressor and/or limiter and your track clips once you disable them it is easiest to send a 32-bit float bounce. Alternatively, you can pull down your master fader until you’ve eliminated any clipping.
The standard rate includes the following:
Up to two revisions of each master transmitted via a private, lossless streaming page.
Hi-res (24-bit, session sample rate) and CD quality (16-bit, 44.1Hz) .wav files of the approved final masters (check with your distributor or aggregator to see which they prefer)
Reference MP3 and AAC files of the approved final masters
A detailed QC log of any and all identified and/or corrected technical flaws
A comprehensive ‘Read Me’ doc, outlining best-practices for file usage
A DDP file set can be provided upon request for an additional fee, but is typically only needed for CD production
Stem mastering is perhaps better described as a hybrid mixing and mastering approach in which you can send me a few sub-mixes (or stems) of different groups of instruments which I can then tweak individually before applying any master processing. Typical groups may be as minimal as drums, instruments, and vocals, or as granular as drums, bass, keyboards, synths, rhythm guitars, lead guitars, backing vocals, and lead vocals. Other combinations are of course possible, but the total number of stems should not exceed 8.
Whether or not stem mastering will benefit your project depends greatly on how confident you are with your final mix. If you've been working with another mixing engineer and/or producer you will certainly want to get their input as I would hate to step on their toes and change some balance they've spent hours working on. If you have any uncertainty as to whether or not stem mastering is the right approach, I will be happy to listen to your mix and give you my candid feedback.
Yes, Flotown Mastering is an approved Apple Digital Masters provider. So long as I receive 24-bit files at 44.1kHz or higher sampling rates, I can provide Apple Digital Masters compliant files. While files in this format are fractionally quieter than they could be otherwise, the extra headroom ensures that your music will not clip or distort when converted to lossy files such as AAC, MP3, Vorbis, or Opus for download or streaming. There are special requirements when uploading your master files if you wish to receive the Apple Digital Masters badge, which I will be more than happy to assist you with.
Yes, absolutely. I make every effort to produce masters that will work well on all mediums, vinyl included, as history has shown that some of the most sonically pleasing records ever made have been cut to 12" discs as their final destination. If you are working with a cutting engineer and they find some issue that they feel would be best for me to correct, I will be happy to work with them at no extra charge to produce a master they feel is suitable. If you do plan to press to vinyl, there are sequencing and length considerations to be made which I will be happy to advise on at the time of mastering.
DDP, or Disc Description Protocol, is a file set that that is used by many professional CD duplication plants. The file set is more robust than a CD-R master and includes several layers of error checking and correction. For this reason, some duplication plants prefer them as it will help them keep errors on a CD to a minimum, and ensure discs with longer lifespans that are compatible with the greatest variety of players. When in doubt, confer with your distributor.
At this time it is not practical for me to manage and provide UPCs or ISRCs, however you can obtain codes at and, through certain aggregation and duplication services, or at
You know it! Check out some of the fantastic artists who have asked me to put the final polish on their records over in the blue streaming player.